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  ARTICLES/The Car Man - A Diary By Will Kemp -

THURSDAY 12 APRIL    Act Two, 'Car Shag'/Car Chase/Lover's Lane

Today has a real buzz about it as we all know it's the last day's filming - a mixed feeling of sadness and glee at not having to wake-up at 6am every morning.

We have three amazing original American cars on set for the 'Lover's Lane' sequence and the graphically named 'Car Shag' scene.

Typically today is the day my parents have decided to come on set. Full of admiration and hoping to see evidence of all the expensive training I've had, they get to watch me give Alan a big sloppy kiss after a romp in the back seat of a highly polished they say, 'there's no business like show business....!'

My highlight of the day was when I actually got to watch the 'Car Chase', a truly filmic moment with lighting effects, dry ice, industrial fans and bin bags full of leaves being blown all over the set to create the effect of speed as the cars 'raced' by.

Everyone sighed a huge sigh of relief when we were told that it was 'in the can' and 'that's a wrap ladies and gentlemen'.

Even though we had run several hours over, the producers put on free champagne and beer (some of which I am sure was opened and drunk ahead of time....) so that we could have a drink and watch the set being taken down around us.

One of the most wonderful things about working with a company like AMP is that you can always guarantee a good party after the whole thing's ended, whatever it may be. So sure enough, I found myself running halfway across the lot to catch a coach to take us to a designated North London party destination!

As for the filming experience, it is truly another medium to working live on stage and one which I intend to pursue and learn more about. I only hope that this experience of working with such a great cast and crew is not the only one of its kind.

撮影: 「第二幕: Car shag/カーチェイス/ラバーズ・レーン」


「ラバーアズレーン」撮影 用にUS製の車が3台も用意され、絵柄的に命名された「Car Shag」のシーンにも使われた。





AMPのような劇団で仕事をすることの一番素晴らしいことの一つが、何であれ全行程を終了しても、良い付き合いが続くことだ。と確信しつつ、気付けば道を渡りかけていて、「North London」の案内が出たコーチ乗り場へ向かっていた。


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