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  ARTICLES/The Car Man - A Diary By Will Kemp -

Shooting: Act One, Duke Box Dance

6:30AM - Finally on the tube heading out west towards Uxbridge, where I shall be picked up and taken to Pinewood Studios to re-create the role of Angelo in the filming of AMP's The Car Man.

Laid awake last night worrying that I would oversleep and hold everyone up.

So far I am making good time for the first day's shooting.

As it turns out, most of the women take around 2 hours in make-up (much to most of the boy's dismay and jealousy) and the production runs behind schedule by 4 hours!

During a week's rehearsal prior to shooting, we managed to establish a style of acting that would serve the purpose of television. Not to mention re-learning and clarifying the choreography, so as to be able to repeat, as necessary, from any given point with exactly the same timing!

I am told that the first day 'on set' is always the worst.....and I have to agree. You stand around all dressed up trying to maintain your character, staring into the darkness in front of you, looking out for the man in the headphones who goes by the name 'Floor Manager', to tell you what's going on and where we are going from. All the time trusting that you are not looking and sounding like a complete fish out of water and that somehow it all looks marvelous down a digital beta widescreen camera lens....! So far I have little proof and am performing on a wing and a prayer.

I did however manage to break the ice by hitting the deck rather spectacularly on the first camera rehearsal, completely confusing the cameramen, who asked me whether I would be falling over in exactly the same place in each take! I was then picked up on my 'hat continuity', a small factor considering I was having difficulty standing up. It can only get better....

撮影: 一幕 「Duke Box Dance」

午前6時30分、ようやくアクスブリッジ(ロンドン西部)に向けて移動する。そこで拾ってもらい、パインウッドスタジオへ向う。このスタジオでAMP作品The Car Manのアンジェロ役を再び演じるためだ。







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