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  ARTICLES/Interview/amplifier Summer 2001 #1

--- Q & A with Will Kemp

和訳 #1 #2

Q1: The final stage of your training was with the Royal Ballet. What made you give that all up to work for AMP?

A: I never really thought of it as giving up anything. I believe that I moved into another area of dance sure, but I think that I probably carried over a lot of things that were embedded in me from the Royal Ballet Upper School. Some of which I have since chosen to lose and some that I believe have set me in very good stead. I knew that I had made the right choice in joining AMP for the premiere of Swan Lake in 1995. I loved the idea and felt very much at home with the choreography, feeling confident I could bring something to it. I think the major challenge back then was to fit into a very different environment than the one I was used to - the style of work, the working day, the people and so on.

Q2: How do you feel you have changed as a performer since you first went on as a Swan?

A: I guess the obvious answer is that I have matured. I would say that I have gained more confidence as a performer and as a person. By confidence, I really mean being more comfortable about myself and who I am. I am a lot more aware now of what I am capable of doing when I put my mind to it, of what is happening around me, how I can fit in and still maintain my integrity. AMP has been a great place to explore things that I would not have had the chance to do anywhere else. I am constantly learning from others and am surprising myself!

Q3: Of the roles you have played for AMP so far, which do you feel the closest to and why?

A: As far as feeling close to a role goes, I have to say that there is nothing to beat having a role made especially for you. I have been fortunate enough to have two such roles, The Angel in Cinderella and Angelo in The Car Man. With the latter, I feel I was given a certain amount of creative freedom that I had not experienced before. It simply meant that I had the chance to make brave character choices and not necessarily ones that people were expecting. That is when work becomes exciting for me, having the confidence of a Director and working with a company of people to take risks to achieve something new and interesting.

Q4: What do you think has been the most challenging aspect of working for AMP?

A: AMP is quite a volatile company and I believe this is one of the reasons it has achieved what it has. Every project brings a new challenge, making me want to come back wanting to be better, fitter and more convincing than before, I am the kind of person that enjoys the constant challenge that is working for AMP!

Q5: Matthew Bourne has obviously developed a way of working over the years. Can you describe your method of working and how it has developed?

A: I don't know that I am aware that I have any particular method of working but I do believe in giving myself to every part that I undertake, sink or swim - maybe that is my method! I would say that a lot more thought goes into anything I do now; for example, being aware of all the choices available, character and choreographical, not just those I feel most comfortable with. I also think that learning a role requires a different approach than that of creating one. The biggest challenge in playing a role originally created for someone else, is trying to extract the things I can identify with and make my own and at the same time, keep within the context of the piece and true to the initial character and choreography. Creating a role enables me to completely immerse myself in a story and find exciting new ways fo breathing life and colour into a new character.


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